Brand personality – What is it and what’s yours?

April 10, 2017 | Elke Steinwender
1 min

If you agree with the premise that values drive behaviours, then your brand’s personality is an outward expression of your corporate values.

While people justify their purchases rationally, they purchase emotionally.  They buy from people they feel understand them and can relate to them. Understanding and relating build trust and trust leads to sales.

Here’s a quick exercise for you to try: Are you a Second Cup person or a Tim Horton’s person? Aside from the coffee, the answer to this question lies in each brand’s personality, overall experience and how you relate your personality to that experience.

Take away: The time you take to define your brand’s personality will be more than made up for when you start crafting messaging and communication plan. It will allow clients and prospect to see a bit of themselves in you.

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