The Employee Journey is Everyone’s Responsibility

Attracting and retaining the best talent is essential to any company’s success. However, this mission goes far beyond human resources and affects every department in the company. The real driving force behind your business is the satisfaction and commitment of your employees. This is where the concept of the employee journey comes into its own.

A solid employee journey is based on a series of strategic considerations that directly impact not only your employees’ experience but also your brand and customer experience. By understanding and optimizing every stage of this journey, from recruitment to retention, you can transform your working environment into a dynamic and productive place that benefits your employees and customers.

Investing in the employee journey is investing in the heart of your business.

Maïeutyk - La marque employeur - The

What Is The Employee Journey?

It maps the actions an employee takes to support customers throughout their journey. When creating this map, we focus not only on a position or function but also on the interaction between the different roles within the company that support the customer experience.

The employee journey comprises four key stages: recruitment, integration, engagement, and retention. The main objective is to create a stimulating work environment conducive to employee fulfillment. A well-equipped, autonomous employee is more likely to deliver a positive customer experience, which translates into a better brand image for the company.

Why Build An Employee Journey

The omnipresence of digital technology and the upheavals caused by the pandemic have led to a significant evolution in society and mentalities. Social media, telecommuting, emerging technologies, climate change, and new generations are all elements that need to be considered if a company is to remain sustainable, successful, and attractive. Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your employee journey is crucial to maintaining this competitiveness.

Be proactive in reinventing and initiating new communication strategies internally with employees and externally with future candidates. An in-depth analysis of the underlying causes of any symptoms, failures, or challenges in recruitment, integration, engagement, and retention provides valuable insights. These changes are not limited to recruitment but also affect the experience of existing employees: mobilization, retention, well-being at work, competitive advantages, work-life balance, etc.

Implementing an appropriate action plan to remedy identified problems thus improves recruitment, integration, mobilization, and retention.

How Maïeutyk Supports You

Maïeutyk’s co-creation workshops will help you define, formulate, and implement this strategy.

Offering your employees the opportunity to participate in the development of your employee journey actively will make you more authentic. This helps to sustain the relationship between the organization and the team and is an essential lever for improving your customer and brand experience.

The Deliverables

Each Maïeutyk journey is unique to your organization’s reality. This service often overlaps with other Maïeutyk services under the employee experience. In summary, this service typically includes:

  • The employee persona ;
  • The current and optimized employee journey ;
  • Internal and external communication strategy and plans ;
  • A comprehensive action plan

By developing this strategy, you’ll be able to attract, integrate, mobilize, and retain the workforce you need to achieve your goals.

  • Your team will act as ambassadors;
  • Your team will not hesitate to mention you as a great workplace;
  • Investing in your employees optimizes the employee experience and has a direct link with the customer and brand experience.