Employee Experience – EX

HR Marketing Training

HR marketing training allows you to communicate your employer brand effectively.

With the realities of the current labour shortage, HR professionals must borrow from their marketing counterparts to develop communication plans to attract new candidates and retain current employees. This training program is part of the coaching phase of the employee experience.

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What is HR Marketing?

On one hand, marketers must position both corporate and employer brands. On the other hand, HR professionals need to reach, attract, and retain the workforce required to meet corporate objectives.

This new reality is translated into a new skill set: HR marketing. HR marketing is born from the meeting and sharing of ideas between the marketing and human resources departments. Providing your organization’s professionals with HR Marketing training allows them to implement your employer brand and positively impact the employee experience.

Why HR Marketing Training


HR marketing training allows HR specialists to develop and refine the marketing skills required to craft and implement the external communication plan needed to attract new employees.


Only some organizations have formal internal communication plans. This is a true missed opportunity since strong internal communication fosters employee engagement and teamwork and helps to break down interdepartmental silos by sharing cross-functional information. Maïeutyk’s HR training program provides participants with the know-how to develop and implement highly effective internal communication plans.

Who Is The Training For

This training is designed for HR professionals and personalized to your organization’s needs. For example, it can include the aspects of an internal communication plan to build loyalty and mobilize your teams, or it can focus on external communication needs to position yourself effectively and attract new candidates. The goal is to empower your HR professionals to exploit digital communication tools better.

The Deliverables

The HR Marketing training program provides your human resources specialist with the cross-functional skills that will enable them to play a critical role in attracting and retaining employees.

The HR marketing training program includes the following:

  • How to exploit social media platforms to achieve your recruiting and retention objectives ;
  • The role your website plays in achieving your objectives ;
  • Co-creation workshops with your marketing and human resources managers ;
  • Definition or update of the persona (candidate and employee) as needed ;
  • Description of the employee journey ;
  • The development of a strategy and an action plan for 30, 60 and 90 days.

HR marketing training is the solution to implement your employer brand and optimize your employee experience.

  • Attracting the workforce required to meet growth objectives;
  • Develop consistently across multiple communication channels;
  • Optimize internal communications;
  • Break down silos between your marketing and human resources departments;
  • It is a training that helps develop agility within your company.