What is your company’s culture?

May 31, 2018 | Nathalie Dion
1 min
eMARK advantage: What is your company’s culture?



This question is often difficult to answer. The fact is that corporate or organizational culture isn’t defined on paper but is built over time by the owner, manager, employees and clients. Corporate culture is an amalgamation of all the particular elements which make up an organization and allows it to function (Wikipedia).

The culture is the lifestyle and personality of the company that allows it to stand out from its competitors. Culture is your profound identity. It is defined by: the work environment, the company’s beliefs, work methods, the company’s history, ethics, social commitment, the company’s values and the means of transmitting them to others, the pleasure and well-being at work, the personality of your customer service and everything that differentiates you!

The purpose of defining your culture is to:

  • Offer a unique customer experience
  • Stand out from your competition
  • Develop loyalty of your employees and lower turnover
  • Seduce new candidates and attract new collaborators who share your vision

Your culture, if it’s well defined, will attract employees who resemble you and who share the same values.

“To be successful, companies must establish a healthy organizational culture, work to maintain it, and invite its members to actively participate.”Atmanco.com

Corporate culture can include, in whole, or in part:

  • Culture of autonomy, creativity, innovation
  • Sharing culture, mutual help
  • Culture of perseverance or effort
  • Culture of quality or performance
  • Quality culture of services or customer services
  • Environmental preservation culture
  • Agility, Lean culture
  • Risk management and prevention culture

Corporate culture allows management to have a strategic orientation that respects its core values. It originates at the top of the management team and has repercussions throughout the organization, at every level. Culture will have a direct impact on employee performance and consequently on the overall performance of the company.

The more the core values are present and clearly defined, the more the company’s culture will be coherent and articulated within the company.

Sources: https://atmanco.com/fr/blog/environnement-travail/culture-organisationnelle-quels-enjeux/

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