3 reasons to survey your employees

June 13, 2023 | Elke Steinwender
3 min
Maïeutyk - Raisons de sonder employés

What are the best reasons to survey your employees?

As a business owner, we often hear the saying “no customers, no business!”. That’s true, but what about your employees? Without trained, competent, and happy employees, it’s almost impossible to respond to your customers’ demands adequately! In fact, your employees are the very foundation of your company’s success. Their well-being is not to be neglected in order to ensure the sustainability of your organization, so don’t forget to invest in them periodically. Here are 3 major reasons to survey your employees:


1- Measure their satisfaction

The employee satisfaction survey is a tool that quantitatively measures your employee’s overall perception of their working conditions and your company. Its objective is to identify areas for improvement and to follow the evolution of perceptions over time. There are several ways to survey your employees:

  • Percepto 360 employee survey
  • Individual interviews
  • Focus groups

To learn more about this subject, we invite your to read on the employee satisfaction surveys and their objectives.


2- Comply with the new law modernizing the health and safety system in the workplace

According to an article published in Les Affaires in March 2023, it is time to comply with the new law modernizing the health and safety system. As of April 6, 2022, organizations with 20 or more employees must implement two mechanisms: participation mechanisms and prevention mechanisms related to physical and psychological health.

More specifically, the prevention mechanism aims to implement a process for analyzing the main physical and psychosocial risk factors in the workplace.

This article also states that by April 2024, companies with more than 20 employees must set up a psychosocial risk analysis grid that will serve as a guide for periodically surveying their employees.

There are many psychosocial risk factors. The Institut national de santé publique du Québec, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety and the National Standard of Canada on Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace propose different factors. Here are some of them:

  • Workload;
  • The pace of work;
  • Decision-making autonomy related to flexibility and work/life balance;
  • Recognition;
  • Social support from leaders and collaborators;
  • Conflict, harassment and other forms of violence.

The frequency, clarity and interaction in communicating these factors are fundamental. This type of communication should be viewed as an exchange of needs between management and workers.

The implementation of these prevention mechanisms for psychological health at work is an integral part of an optimized employee experience.


3- Align your employee experience strategy with your customer experience strategy and brand experience strategy

First, the employee satisfaction survey allows you to know if your team members are happy and satisfied at work.
Secondly, the psychosocial risk analysis and prevention grids at work allow you to know everything that depends on relationships at work and how people organize themselves to deliver their responsibilities and performance to the organization.
Implementing these first 2 points allows you to develop a strong employee experience that directly correlates to a strong employer brand.


But how can employee experience help you develop your customer experience and brand experience strategies?

At Maïeutik, our mission is to help you develop the agility necessary to stand out in a competitive market. This agility is achieved by aligning your employee experience with your customer experience and your brand experience. It is at this point that your employees become your ambassadors and propel your business forward in a sustainable way. This alignment develops not only the necessary agility but also your differentiator, the mobilization and empowerment of your teams.

In conclusion, the collective intelligence of your employees should not be overlooked. Surveying them periodically on several aspects provides relevant information applicable to the development of your company.

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