Wise women (midwives) and their link to maïeutics and business

March 2, 2022 | Elke Steinwender
2 min

In French, we aptly call midwives wise women. My grandmother, on my mother’s side, was a midwife. In rural Quebec, far from any hospital, she assisted neighbours, friends, and relatives in giving birth to a whole new generation.

In the weeks leading up to International Women’s Rights Day, I asked myself several questions. What would my life be like if I was born in 1912 like my grandmother? Or in 1941, like my mother? Only one year after women were granted the right to vote in Quebec. Would the entrepreneur that I am have taken the same form?

No one will ever know.

I raise my hat to all those women who have traced, no, paved the way before me. These women opened doors for all future generations. By following in their steps, I have the chance to practice a profession that I love, that fulfills me, and that offers me the opportunity to share my passion for maïeutics with an extraordinary team and exceptional clients.

The meanings of maïeutics

Did you know that maïeutics (we write it “Maïeutyk”) has two meanings? The first comes from the ancient Greek word, related to the goddess Maïa, who was in charge of childbirth. The second, attributed to the philosopher Socrate, is related to the Socratic method, which is the art of leading individuals to discover and formulate the answer to their problem(s) by using dialogue, questioning and discussion.

Maïeutyk, through its expert facilitators, listens to your needs, your reality and assists you in giving birth to new ideas and expressing the knowledge hidden within you.

As an entrepreneur, I find that this approach is very liberating. It frees me from the belief that I must have the answers to all questions! Together, we will find innovative solutions.

But not all is won.

The creative listening

Being a woman in business, or in any field or sector, still has its share of challenges and socio-economic inequalities. On this subject, I invite you to read our guest blogger, Ms. Nathalie Bardouil, Doctor of Psychology and President of Opus Fabrica, on the issue of sexism in the workplace. Or, listen to the Corporate Connections Podcast titled “Being a woman in business in 2022,” where I attended as a panelist, surrounded by exceptional businesswomen!

For my part, I believe that the best way to eliminate inequalities of all genres (a little play on words!) is to open a dialogue on the richness that diversity brings us. Diversity comes from different perspectives and experiences. These spaces for discussion, collaboration, and co-creation are what I call creative listening #creativelistening.

For me, creative listening is that space created between two people, within a group, a department or even across an entire company when we work to solve challenges or problems by creating a space for dialogue. In each of their interactions, my team of nine facilitators now shares this unique approach developed over the past ten years in each of their interactions.

I don’t dare to call myself a wise woman (midwife), but one thing is sure, those who came before me and those who are going after me inspire me every day.

Thank you, dear women (and men!), for your courage and dedication to making our world a better place.



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