The Customer Experience According To Maïeutyk

October 19, 2022 | Elke Steinwender
6 min

These days, the term ” Customer experience ” is on everyone’s lips to the point where it’s almost overused. Each industry has its approach, and if you Google the term, you quickly realize that the definition of Customer experience can vary a lot. So here’s the Customer experience description according to Maïeutyk and why it is essential to focus on it.

What the customer experience is not!

Before defining the customer experience, let’s start by making a list of, according to Maïeutyk, what the customer experience is not.

Customer experience is not:

  • A company’s customer service department
  • Only the experience a prospect or customer had when they visited your website
  • Only the level of customer satisfaction after the purchase of your product in the store
  • Effective and positive management of customer complaints
  • Excellent customer relationship management by phone, chat or email

The customer experience sketched out according to Maïeutyk

We’ve crafted our logo around our views of what is the customer experience. The customer experience is at the intersection of where your business and your customer meet. To improve the customer experience, make this meeting space as significant and as positive as possible.

Let’s go into more detail by answering some questions about yourself and your customers.

Questions about your business

  • What is your company’s purpose?
  • Is this purpose known and shared by your entire team?
  • Is your mission statement a reflection of your purpose?
  • Are your values well identified?
  • Are these values transformed into concrete behaviours exhibited by your team?

If you cannot quickly answer these questions, you may be putting your customer experience at risk. To optimize your customer experience, you need to know: What drives you? What makes you happy at work?

Not only is it essential to know yourself as a company, but you must also be able to convey this knowledge to your teams. This is because who you are (as a company) must be lived by the whole team daily.

At Maïeutyk, we can help you identify your purpose, mission, values, and brand DNA through our co-creation workshops. These workshops are led by our facilitators, who use maieutics as a technique to bring out internal knowledge.

Your customers

Who are your customers? If you answer “Anyone can be my customer!” you are in danger!

By trying to please everyone, you may be pleasing no one. Therefore, to offer the best possible customer experience, you must know and identify your target customers and their buying behaviour.

Personas and customer journeys are two well-known and effective concepts. Combining these concepts and adding others like the voice of the customer put you ahead of the competition.

At Maïeutyk, we again use co-creation to identify these concepts. In addition, we use this approach to leverage an often underutilized and underestimated corporate asset, the collective intelligence of your team members.

In summary, the customer experience is optimized by an excellent knowledge of your company intersected with an excellent understanding of your customers. It is this “sweet spot” that every company should identify to develop a successful customer experience and strong positioning strategy.

How does customer experience benefit your business?

Your customer has changed! Today, customers have taken control of how they interact with your company. They are no longer looking for a product or service but a complete, overall experience. As a result, the customer experience has become a powerful economic engine to maximize growth, differentiation and development.

At Maïeutyk, our mission is to make the customer experience the economic engine of your growth. So let us help you identify and achieve your objectives with a customer experience strategy that enables you to stand out from the crowd!

How do you develop a customer experience strategy?

At Maïeutyk, we are methodical. We use a proven approach drawn from the key principles of Lean Six Sigma, which is described in 4 phases:

Cocreation_Maieutyk_strategic marketing process


We have an extensive list of workshops, tools, and services in each phase to help you develop a customer experience strategy tailored to your reality.

Whether it’s a market study, an employee survey, content or marketing strategy, or the voice of the customer, we have the team and the services to accompany you on your journey to improve the customer experience.

Following a personalized diagnosis, we can identify the workshops and services that will be useful in each of these phases. Your journey with Maïeutyk is, therefore, unique and personalized.

How do you execute your customer experience strategy?

According to a Forbes article, 50% of strategic initiatives fail to be executed properly. In addition, the article explains the 20 reasons why these strategies don’t see the light of day.

Here is the list of reasons:

  1. Unclear communication
  2. No or insufficient communication
  3. Lack of commitment
  4. Insufficient or inadequate resources
  5. Isolated and fragmented actions
  6. Ambiguous or conflicting goals
  7. No or unclear strategy
  8. No clear priorities
  9. Ambiguous responsibilities
  10. Lack of performance information
  11. Silo behaviour and sub-optimization
  12. Wrong or ineffective culture
  13. Resistance to change
  14. Over-complexity
  15. Insufficient management capabilities
  16. Delay, plans are not met
  17. Budget is exceeded
  18. Lack of middle management support
  19. Strategy is not adapted to changes
  20. Poor leadership

We’ve taken the liberty of grouping these reasons around how our approach is designed to help you avoid these common pitfalls.

A. Defining the problem (which includes 3,4,7,10,11,12,13,19)

As mentioned at the beginning of this text, knowing who you and your customer are is key to developing an optimal customer experience strategy. At Maïeutyk, we avoid problems tied to defining the problem by applying the first and second phases of our approach: Diagnostic and Strategy.

Thanks to our co-creation workshops, your team feels involved and valued right from the start of the strategic process. As a result, we eliminate resistance to change and increase your team’s commitment to achieving your objectives. Moreover, it is through these co-creation workshops that it is possible to establish realistic goals and priorities.

B. Communication problems (which includes 1,2,5,6,8,9)

To properly implement the developed strategy, we must now take action. This is exactly the 3rd phase of our approach: Action plan.

A concrete action plan allows you to activate your customer experience strategy. Moreover, a concrete action plan makes sure that all team members know what needs to be done and how success will be measured.

 C. Training and competency issues (which includes 14,15,16,17,18,20)

The last phase of our method is crucial in executing a sustainable strategy implementation. We call this phase: Coaching.

It’s in this phase that we accompany our clients in the form of training or coaching. It’s important to remember that each time a customer comes into contact with your company, it’s a moment of truth and an opportunity to create a “WOW” effect. That’s why it’s important to train your teams on how to implement their customer experience strategy.

Customer experience: a fertile playground!

In short, customer experience is not just a department; it’s a measurable economic concept that allows you to achieve your objectives and build customer loyalty. To determine a customer experience strategy, you must know yourself and your customer. The customer experience provides you with a beautiful playground in which you can enter into a relationship with your customer and surprise them at every turn. Contact us if you would like support in developing this playground for your company.

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