Armed with expertise, you skillfully navigated the stormy waters of start-up and expansion. Your company has not only survived but thrived. Today, however, you face a new challenge: stagnant growth. This unprecedented and perhaps even worrying plateau has you wondering: how can you renew the momentum? Competition is fierce, and you may try to get […]
2 min
Let’s be honest: how many of us take the time to sit down and create our marketing objectives? Sales, growth or profitability objectives certainly! But marketing objectives are frequently forgotten or pushed aside, lost in the daily hustle and bustle of work. Yet without a clear vision and well-defined objectives, your marketing efforts risk being […]
5 min
LinkedIn is a high-impact communication channel in your overall marketing strategy as the world’s largest professional network, with over 950 million members in more than 200 countries and territories worldwide. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a business leader or a sales representative, you will find value in this 5-minute blog read as we deeply dive […]
6 min
Do you know the 5 common mistakes when developing your marketing strategy? Your marketing strategy is a crucial step in achieving your overall business objectives. It guides a business’s overall marketing efforts by understanding the customer’s needs and creating a distinct competitive advantage. Here are 5 common mistakes entrepreneurs should avoid when developing their […]
4 min
We have all heard about the shockingly short tenure of the average Chief Marketing Officer in North America… 40 months* or so. However, I was equally shaken by this fact: Only 34% of Chief Executive Officers actually trust their CMO! A UK study pegs it at 20%**. The lack of alignment I have […]
2 min
As most entrepreneurs would attest, aligning towards a common goal is vital for any business. Countless hours are devoted to deliberating over the business strategy, but the question remains: Is everyone truly on the same page ? On going research cited in this Harvard Business Review article reveals that strategic misalignment is a common occurrence. […]
3 min
Defining marketing can be a difficult task. defines marketing as: « the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising. » This definition of marketing seems too…narrow. While it can be defined as the process of introducing products and services to the market and promoting them, there […]
2 min
Here are the 4 main reasons to perform a strategic plan: 1. Effectiveness and Efficiency Efficiency is your ability to accomplish something with the least wasted time, money, or effort. Effectiveness is doing the right things to bring you toward your overall goal. 2. Motivation The more involved your team is in the planning process, […]
5 min